GDPR Privacy Statement

General Data Protection Regulations May 2018
Privacy Statement
Circadian Rhythmns is registered as an organisation with the Information Commissioners Office and all personal data held by the company is done so pursuant to fulfilling the individual terms of engagement the company has with you as a client.
We will securely maintain personal data relating to you, your business and your taxation and financial affairs only to the extent that such information is required to fulfil our responsibilities to you and your business under these terms of engagement.
Any personal data which is no longer current or required in relation to us fulfilling our responsibilities to you will be permanently deleted from our systems after six years.
All information that we hold in respect of you personally will be available to you on request.
We will only share your personal data with third parties after receiving your express written permission. In this regard your signature on third party forms e.g. HMRC form 64-8 will be deemed to construe such consent.