What is an undraped Massage?
For those of you just dipping your toe in the waters of naturism for your first visit to us you might prefer an undraped massage. Here the therapist will be in their therapy uniform however you will have chosen not to be covered by towels or a sheet. This means that as therapists we can concentrate on doing the massage and not folding and unfolding the drape. Its perfectly fine to be covered with towels however if you would like an undraped massage that is fine.
There are some valid reasons for choosing to go undraped:
Proper draping takes about six minutes away from your massage. That's 10% of a one hour massage.
Some people get too hot under the drape.
Some people are annoyed by the feeling of the drape moving around.
Some clients relax better without the drape. Many of my clients are from the nudist/naturist community and they shed some of their tension along with their clothing.
Sometimes just no drape is less embarrassing then the towel moving and parts of your body becoming exposed by accident!
Draped or undraped, it makes no difference to us.
We as professionals will treat your body with the same respect and professionalism either way.
We only ask that you choose the method that will make you feel the most relaxed and comfortable.